Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benefits and Hazard of Radiation

SUBMITTED BY: Teresita C. Ojastro SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Pilar M. Macabinguil MALOH PROVINCIAL COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DUMAGUETE CITY NEGROS ORIENTAL 6200 Mrs. Pilar M. Macabinguil ENGLISH IV Teacher MPCHS Madam: In partial fulfillment of the requirement in ENGLISH IV, I hereby present to you my term paper entitled â€Å"What is Radiation? † This term paper presents a research study on the importance about radiation and how it affects the whole world. In doing a research paper is a big task that must be given more efforts, time and patient. It will not be built without references.I always think of doing this not for the benefits for other but for my own. I learn to be more confident, more competitive and more initiative for I know I have my inspiration who gave me everything I need. The strength, courage, will and determination to conquer my goals in life and to finish my accomplishment as student. I was to give my best with the help of our almighty God. So madam, I hope that this t erm paper will merit your approval and prove to be satisfactory. Please consider my errors and I’m sorry for I disappointed to you. Respectfully yours, TERESITA C. OJASTRO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTNow, in behalf of such difficulties and trials, I would like to acknowledge the People who were re always there behind me and supported me in making this term Paper. Once and foremost, I would like to give especial thanks to our almighty God for He serves as my inspiration and great provider as well. He gives me strength to face me challenge that I’ve encountered. I to God who is too magnificent to grant the blessing I need. I hereby express my thanks to Mrs. Sandra Omongos for giving us opportunity to learn, for giving us information and knowledge in making this term paper.It helps a lot for us that if we already in college, we already know on how to make a research paper. Thank you very much madam for the effort in explaining to us everything. I also give thanks to my beloved parent, sister and brother, grandma, and auntie who really gives there supports, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. I give those thanks as they are the best parent, aunties and uncle ever. With them, I grew graceful with to God. They are one of my inspirations in complying this research paper.Grateful thanks to my friends, classmates, parents, grandma, aunties and uncle, teacher as well, who were very kind to me, who courage me in this term paper. To my especial auntie Miss ANNABELLE OJASTRO who is always there, giving advice, help me to be strong and be a better person, Thank you very much. I shall never forget you. INTRODUTION We often associate the word radiation with sunlight, x-rays, and nuclear power plants. Radiation is simply energy travelling through space and sunlight is the most familiar of radiation.Life’s on earth has evolved and developed with an ever present background radiation. In fact, in both solar and nuclear radiation have always be en there. Despite this people, fear this hazards that the application of nuclear radiations pose to human life and to the environment. The use of nuclear energy in power generation may have been temporarily shelved in our country due to the controversy in the mid-1980 but this does not make our country â€Å"Nuclei-free†. The controversy revolves mostly around the risks involved versus the benefits derived from these applications.However, for you to decide for or against the use of these applications, you will need to learn about radioactivity and nuclear energy. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. TITLE PAGE II. ENDORSEMENT LETTER III. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IV. INTRODUCTION V. TABLE OF CONTENTS VI. BODY OF TERM PAPER A. What is radiation? B. Types and Properties of Nuclear Radiation C. Radioactivity D. Discovery of Radioactivity E. Radioactive Isotopes F. Radioactive Half-Life G. The kinds of Radioactive Decay H. Radioactive Dating I. Two Methods use in Radioactive Dating J. Radiator Detector K. Radiation Application L. Food and Agriculture M.Diagnosis and Therapy N. Diagnostic use of Radioisotopes VII. CONCLUSION VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY WHAT IS RADIATION? RADIATION- is the transfer of thermal energy space. Any object with thermal energy emits radiation. If you’ve travelled down roads on a very hot day, you may have been seen evidence of this radiation. The air just above the hot pavement shimmers and shakes as heats radiates from the surface. This radiation is very much like radio and television waves. Thermal energy transfer in the same way that radio and television signal travels from the broadcasting to your home. TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF NUCLEAR RADIATIONScientist found three different kinds of radiation given off by isotopes of radioactive substances. These are the following: 1. ALPHA (? ) PARTICLE RADIATION- it consists of two protons and two neutrons, or, the nucleus of a helium atom. They carry a positive charge of +2e. It is a helium nucleus. Its penetrating pow er is not very great. It can be stopped by a thin sheet of paper. 2. BETA (? ) PARTICLE RADIATION- Beta radiation consists of electrons. A beta particle is emitted from the nucleus when a neutron becomes a proton and vice versa. 1 The beta particle carries a charge of + e.It is an electron created during the decay of a neutron nucleus. It can travel at nearly speed of light. The high speed of beta particle makes it more penetrating than an alpha particle 3. GAMMA(Y RAY PROTONS-It is form of high energy electromagnetic radiation that travels at the speed of light. A gamma ray is a bundle of light energy. It has the most penetrating radiation given off by radioactive elements and it’s not affected by magnetic fields. It has no electrical charge. RADIOACTIVITY Radioactivity is a spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei in the emission of particle and energy.Radiation and radioactivity are world’s that produce anxiety but we often overlook the many beneficial uses to which radia tion can be put. For instance, exposure to high energy radiation can cause cancer. Yet precisely the same sort of radiation can be useful in the diagnosis of cancer and even in the treatment of cancer. Light and heat rays from the sun are common forms of radiation. Energy is given off when electrons in an exiled atom jump from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. This energy is emitted in the following forms. X-ray, radiation, ultraviolet radiation or light.An atom becomes excited when energy is added to it. However, there are some substances which yield radiation. These are called radioactive substances and it comes from the nuclei of an atom. DISCOVERY OF RADIOACTIVITY In 1985, William Roentgens discovered x-rays are radiation produced when high energy electron hit a certain material. He also discovers that x-rays can generate by directing a cathodes ray (beam of fast electrons) against the wall of the glass tube. In 1986, a French scientist, Henry Becquerel did an exper iment to determine whether fluorescent materials give off light as well as x-rays.Becquerel wrapped a photographic plate in a thick black paper. He placed a crystal of the fluorescent uranium salt on the top of the paper. Then, he exposed the set up to the sunlight. He found a foggy photographic film, confirming his prediction that his runny sulphate did emit radiation. RADIOATIVE ISOTOPES Isotopes are atoms whose nuclei have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. We distinguish between the different isotopes of hydrogen by 1H, 2H and 3H where the lower number is atomic number and the upper number is the atomic mass number.The common isotopes of hydrogen, 1 1H, is a table element. So is the isotopes 1 2H, called deuterium â€Å"Heavy Water† is the usually given to H2O in which 13H, called tritium, however, is unstable and undergoes beta decay. This is the radioactive. And some are not. RADIOACTIVE HALF-LIFE Radioactive isotopes decay at different rates. The radioactive Decay rate measured in terms of a characteristics time, the half-life. The Half-Life of the radioactive materials is the time required for half the atoms of radioactive isotopes of an element to decay. This term is also use to described Decay process in general.For example, Thorium-234 has a half-life of 24d. This mean that if we start with a 100g sample of TH-234, after 24d 50g will have changed into other atoms and 50g of Th-234 will remain. THE KINDS OF RADIOACTIVE DECAY Physicist who studied radioactive rocks and minerals discovered three kinds of radioactive decay, which are the following: 1. ALPHA DECAY Some radioactive decays involve the emission of a relatively large and massive practice compo red by two protons and two neutrons. Such as particle is exactly the same as the nucleus of helium, 4 atoms.It is called an alpha particle, and the process by which it is emitted is called alpha decay. It has an equation: ZAX>Z-4A-4Y+24He Parent nucleus Daughter nucleus + particle (helium nucleus) 2. BETA DECAY The second kind of radioactive decays, called beta decay, involves the emission of the electron. In general for beta decay: ZAX>ZA+Y+-10e Parent nucleus Daughter nucleus + ? particle (electron) 3. GAMMA RADIATION The third kind radioactivity called gamma radiation is different from alpha and beta decay.A â€Å"gamma ray† is simply a generic term for a very energetic proton which is one unit of electromagnetic radiation. It is represented by: ZAX>ZAX+00y Parent nucleus Daughter nucleus + gamma particle All magnetic radiation comes from the acceleration of charge particles. That is happen in gamma radiation. RADIOACTIVE DATING An entirely different use of radioactivity is radioactive dating. Radioisotopes are used as â€Å"Nuclear Clocks† to determine the age of objects on an archaeological, geographical, and astronomical time sale. TWO METHODS USED IN RADIOACTIVE DATING . URANIUM DATING It is used to determine the age of the ea rth, the moon, or the solar system. Isotopes with the long half lives like U-238, U-235, Th-232, K-40 and Rb-87 are used. With this method, scientist has estimated the age of the oldest rock on the earth to be four billion years old. Since, Uranium has a very long half-life; the amount of lead produced by its decays over a period of thousands of years is virtually undetectable. That uranium dating not used relatively younger objects. 2. CARBON DATING It uses the decay of the carbon-14 isotope.Carbon dating techniques has become an indispensable tool for modern archaeologists. The age of artefacts from archaeological sites can be determining using carbon dating techniques. The oldest caves in Palawan were found to be around 40,000 years old by carbon dating. Carbon-14 is used in determining the age of once living things, to calculate the age of non-living things, Uranium dating is used. RADIATION DETECTORS Unlike visible lights, the presence of radioactive substances within and aroun d us cannot be detected by our senses. The following are the radiation detector devices: . GEIGER COUNTER A Geiger counter consist of a central wire in a hollow metal cylinder filled with low pressure gas, an electrical voltage is applied across the cylinder and wire so that the wire is more positive than the cylinder. 2. CLOUD CHAMBER A cloud chamber shows a visible path or ionizing radiation in the form of Fog trails. It consists of cylindrical glass chamber close at the upper and by a glass window and at the lower and by a movable piston. 3. BUBBLE CHAMBER The particles trails seem in a bubble chamber are minute bubbles of gas in liquid hydrogen.The liquid hydrogen is heated under pressure in a glass and stainless steel chamber to a point just short to boiling. 4. SCINTILLATION COUNTER A scintillation counter uses the fact that certain substances are easily excited in emit light and when charge particles are or gamma rays pass through them. Tiny flashes of light or scintillation are converted into electric signal by special photo-multiplier tubes. A scintillation counter can measure the energy of charged particles or gamma rays absorb the detector. Ordinary water, when highly purified, can serve as a scintillator. RADITION APPLICATIONToday, scientists continue to look for applications of radioactivity and nuclear energy to benefits mankind. A. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Ionizing, radiation has been use for the several decades to produce new genetic lines of rice, sorghum, garlic, wheat, bananas, beans, avocado, and peppers. All of which are more resistant to rests and more adaptable to harsh climatic conditions. Aside from the used of radioisotopes is tracer studies, there at least three major areas where ionizing radiation is used in agriculture: 1. ) Mutation plant breeding, 2. ) Food irritation; and 3. Sterile infect technology. B. DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPHY Radiation is a powerful tool in medicine especially as an aid to diagnosis. In medical diagnosis the strate gy in to keep the radiation dose as low as possible while gaining the most information. How is this possible? By using small amounts of short lived radioactive isotopes injected into the patient’s body. A technique called radio isotopic tracing. DIAGNOSIS USE OF RADIOISOTOPES 1. Bone and thyroid scan 2. Radio-immunoassay (RIA) Technique 3. Skeleton and heart muscles detectors Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat cancer.Treatment of cancers, the purpose is to cause damage particularly to cancer cells. CONCLUSION I conclude that making this term paper really requires effort, time, knowledge, and of course financial effort aspects. It is not easy task. It is very challenging for us, for me because through research in different sources, our knowledge will expand. And there is learning. I used to choose â€Å"Radiation† because I really want to know what it all is About, its benefits, and hazards, how it is related to our planet earth, and what is behind. As I go thr ough, I learned some more and it helps me a lot.Coz I know in College, we were going to make this also. I was hesitating to make a research paper because I was thinking it’s hard to do. But when I try my best, I was proven myself wrong. It is important to make this Because I want to learn and besides it’s a requirement that should e accomplish. In the study of â€Å"RADIATION† I found of that there were kinds, Benefits and hazardous. At least we can aware of what is it all about. And now because I learn, So I am accomplishing now my term paper. BIBLIOGRAPHY Physics Science and Technology Textbook for Fourth Year. Philippines: SD Publication, Inc, 2004Aldridge, Bill M. S, et. al. Science and Interaction. USA: Glencoe Division of Mc Millan/Mc Graw-Hill School Publishing Company, 1993. Buffa, Anthony J. And Wilson, Jerry D. Physics Fourth Edition. Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc. , 1994. Heath, Robert W. ; Macnaughton, Robert R. ; and Martindale, David G. Fundame ntals of Physic. Canada: D. C. Health Canada Ltd. , 1979 Hewitt Paul G. Conceptual Physics, United States of America: Pearson Prentice Hall Inc. , 2006 Hewitt Paul G. Conceptual Physics Ninth Edition. USA: Pearson Education Inc. , 1956 Ocampo, Jorge R. And Santos, Gil Nonato C.General Science for High School. Rex Book Store, Inc. , 1963. Pabellon, Josetina L. , and Tubal , Gemelita C. Science and Technology for a Better Life Series. Physics Second Edition. Philippines: Duiva Scholastic Presk Inc. , 1995. Ronan, Colin A. The New Book of Knowledge. Canada; Grolier Incorporated, 2004. Salmorin, Lita M. Science and Technology Physics Updated Edition. Philippines: Abiva Publishing House, Inc. , 1995. ——————————————– [ 2 ]. Lita M. Salmon, Science and Technology Physic Updated Edition (Philippines: Aviva Publishing House, Inc. , 1995), p. 32. [ 3 ]. 2Bill Aldridge, M. S, et al. , Scien ce Interactions (United states of America: Glencoe Division of Mc Milan/Mc Grew-Hell School Publishing Company, 1993), p. 176 [ 4 ]. Jerry D. Wilson and Anthony G. Buffer; Physics Fourth Edition (Singapore: Pearson Education, Inc. , 1994), p. 892. [ 5 ]. Colin A. Ronan, the New Book f knowledge (Canada: Grolier Incorporated, 2004), p. 42. [ 6 ]. Paul G. Hewitt, Conceptual Physics (United of America; Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006), p. 613. [ 7 ]. Robert W. Health, Rober R. Macnaughton and David G. Martinda, Fundamentals of Physics (Canada: D.C. Health CanadaLtd. 1979), p. 309. [ 8 ]. Gil Nonato C. Santod and George R. Ocampo, General Science for School (Philippines: REX Book Store, Inc. ,1963), p. 270. [ 9 ]. Ms. Sosefina L. Pabellon and Ms. Genelita B. Tubal, Science and Technology for a Better Life Series Physics second Edition (Phillipines: Divva Scholastic Press Inc. , 1995),p. 290 [ 10 ]. Paul G. Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, Ninth Edition (USA: Pearson Education Inc. , 1956), p. 64 3. [ 11 ]. Physics Science and Technology textbook for the fourth year( Philippines: SD Publications, Inc. , 2004), P. 109.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ethical Dimension in Religion Essay

Worldview influences the general scope of morality. Morality cannnot sufficiently stand as a separate discipline from religeon. An attempt to separate morality from religeon cannot be entirely successful. Utilitarianism has been the most powerful and ethical system in the modern times exerting influence across the world. It was propagated most eloquently by John Staurt Mill (1806-1873). Its key dimension is to judge moral action by the happiness it produces or the suffering it eliminates while maximizing benefits to the widest possible audience. This idea finds a champion in the scientific humanist who feels that relationships between individuals form the basis for the values an individual should hold. On the other hand, Marxism vouches for collective morality where all actions that lead to the prosperity of the socialist system are considered good and hence morally acceptable. The dominant religions in the world have many similarities pertaining to moral thought and conduct. They include unctions, â€Å"not to steal, not to kill, not to have certain kinds of sexual relations,† (Smart, 2000, p. 107) among others. Most of these rules actually make a tranquil society possible because without them, the society would fall into a state of anarchy, especially if these values are not upheld by a critical mass. It Is also clear that the actual particulars of these standards as expessed in practice are different, driven by different needs and environmental circumstances. Arguably, Islam and Christianity have a wide area of overlap in ethical dimension as expressed both in doctrine and in practice. The first area of considerable ethical compatibility between Christianity and Islam is on the universality of mankind. The central Christian message of love for all humanity places a demand on all practicing Christians to regard human life highly and can explain the vast humanitarian efforts pursued in expression of faith. This explains such sacrifice and devotion to the poor and the sick by well-known persons such as the late mother Teresa of Calcutta. Muslims on the other hand have a religeous duty to give alms to the poor as one of the key pillars of faith, which is an expression of universal brotherhood. Numeous Muslim aid organisations also exist to alleviate poverty and suffering among the disadvantaged in the society. When approached from the standpoint Comparative religious ethics, many similarities are seen in the actual practice of the two faiths. While Christianity does not provide for Holy wars as expressly as Islam, the concept of just wars found its way into Christian thinking and was the key rationalisation behind the crucades. It became an expression of ones faith to pick up arms and fight for the faith during the crusades as compared to the early church position where military service was considered wrong. A comparison of the facets of ethical dimension upheld by Christianity and Islam must include a look at the founders, their philosophy of human relationships, and the duty of man towards creator. Christianity has Christ as its face. He preached love and despite being diety gave himself up to be crucified. He shed nobody’s blood in his entire life but his own blood was shed. As if to immortalize his message prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him. He nonetheless taught that he would be coming back, this time not as a graceful redeemer, but as king and Judge. Christianity therefore gets its message of love for all from this picture of Christ. All human life is considered sacred, indeed created in Gods image, and hence in the image of Christ. Christians, in following this pattern are expected to love their enemies and to pray for them. In the area of marriage, a Christian may marry only one wife. Furthermore, it is generally difficult to proceed with divorce as a Christian as Christianity is generally averse to divorce. The Prophet Muhammad is the face of Islam. He was, â€Å"not just a man of God; he was the skillful diplomat, statesman, and general† (Smart, 2000, p. 110). This has influenced Muslim ethics so as to accommodate such concepts as holy war (Jihad) against those who impede the spread of Islam, and it goes further to actually reward those who see to it that such persons are eliminated, complete with insuarance for those who die in the process, being regarded as Holy warriors. Islam advocates for universal brother hood and this is enforced by the giving of alms, which basically raises concern for fellow man. Islam builds on this concept of brotherhood whereby all Muslims consider themselves pilgrims, with none having a superior status before Allah. As Christian cultures have become increasingly westernised, divorce has become more and more acceptable without much conflict with faith. This compares closely with the official Muslim position on divorce. A Christian is required to participate in certain rituals such as baptism and communion as a duty to God, his love for fellow makind notwithstanding. Islam places a similar demand on its adherants where some acts are purely devotional and are considered duty to God, such as pilgrimage to Mecca. It is indeed clear that although the details vary between Islam and Christianity, the practice of the two faiths is strickingly similar and does not differentiate them sufficiently from each other. Bode points out, â€Å"One’s religious being is more than whether or not one is part of some organized religion† (Bode, 1996). References Bode B. A. (2006). Dimensions of Religion: The Ethical Dimension. July 10th 2010, www. quuf. org/sermons/archives/2006-2007/ethical. pdf Smart, N. (2000) . Worldviews, Crosscultural Explorations of Human Beliefs, 3rd Ed,

Monday, July 29, 2019

Battling Boycotts Essay Example for Free

Battling Boycotts Essay 1) Question: What type of boycotts the article is addressing? Answer: The type for the boycott is the company’s nationality, it would seem that nothing could be done. The business is boycotted through no fault of its own. And a growing class of boycotts has very little to do with the actions or policies of an individual company. Instead they are related to the company’s country of origin. After all, it is neither easy nor desirable to change the nationality of a company to shield it from a boycott attempt. 2) Question: What are the two dimensions along which the four strategies are developed? Explain? Answer: The two dimensions along which the four strategies are developed are: the visibility of the brand and the intensity of the boycott. Brand visibility is defined as an extent to a brand which is related to a country in its customers’ minds all over the world. The more visible the brand, the more likely it is to be targeted by boycotters. In people’s eyes, visibility is very important. For example, the brand is very popular in a given country where the customers don’t strongly consider about its original country. However, another situation is that, the foreign brand is associated with a country in customers’ minds. Intensity can be measured in terms of size, duration and aggressiveness. Size which means how many people are boycotting the brand or product. Duration refers to how long the boycott is likely to continue. And aggressiveness takes into account whether, in addition to boycotting products, violent acts are conducted against the outlets or offices of the company being boycotted. 3) Question: What strategies does the article suggest for businesses to adopt to handle boycotts of this type? Answer: The strategies that the article suggest for businesses to adopt to handle boycotts of this type are: emphasizing their connections to the local community, to countering misinformation with advertising and public-relations campaigns, to simply adopting a low profile. McDonald’s is a high-visibility U.S. brand that has faced boycotts in different parts of the world. An anti-U.S. boycott was initiated in Egypt in recent years and has spread to other Arab countries. This action was because of the supporting to Israel by U.S.. Thus, local McDonald established some management to connect with their communities including tailoring menus to local tastes, including the introduction by McDonald’s Egypt of the McFalafel sandwich, which was launched with the help of an ad jingle by a famous Egyptian singer. McDonald’s franchisees in the Middle East and elsewhere also have long made contributions to local charities. What’s more, McDonald’s franchisees also presented a local face in Islamic countries, Argentina, and the Philippines, such as launched TV ads, wore traditional clothing, changed slogan and set charitable programs. For P&G, they also changed logo and set some slogans to respond quickly to the rumors. In the case of a high-visibility brand facing a low-intensity boycott we suggest a strategy of monitoring and blending in. in a high-intensity boycott environment, a company with low visibility may be better off adopting a strategy of lowering its profile, rather than actively trying to offset any potential damage by touting its local connections. For example, a Saudi furniture store in Khobar that sells American furniture has tried lowering its visibility by changing its name from the Saudi-American Furniture Store to the Saudi Furniture Store. Because furniture isn’t often distinctly associated with countries in the public mind, at least in the Middle East. A low-visibility company in a low-intensity boycott environment can simply maintain the status quo. But, they still must pay attention to the potential threats. 4) Question: In your opinion, what can companies do to influence their home governments policies that may affect their success in international markets? Answer: In my point of view, I think we can not leave our own national interests in dealing with foreign affairs of other countries. Of course, we are not only talking about the national interests, but also the fact of reason in a rational and favorable circumstances to select the struggle strategy. In addition, we must also realize that, in today’s globalization economic, countries in economic are interdependent which is extremely popular. To be successful, there are some factors. First, they must make sure they have an appropriate team, such as the CEO, the CFO, legal counsel, auditors, accounting. Then, they have to fit the actual schedule and the host countries’ customs. Secondly, they need to know some of the weaknesses in their own businesses, identify problems that may arise in other countries, employ a high-quality team, and improve operational efficiency. Finally, there is a high level of management support. Battling Boycotts. (2016, Sep 10).

Dismissal Meeting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dismissal Meeting - Coursework Example Hostility is bound to surface when the channels or steps taken do not satisfy the requisite legal requirements for termination of one’s employment. It is for the above reasons that this paper seeks to highlight step by step processes of conducting dismissal and ways managers can cope with the emotions that accompany an employee’s layoff (Sidney, 2009). The different types of dismissal are fair dismissal, unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal and wrongful dismissal. In most cases fair and unfair dismissal depend on two facts. These two facts are the reasons for the termination and the reaction that comes alongside the dismissal. However, for the constructive dismissal an employee may decide to put pen to paper an end to the employment contract due to a number of reasons. There are several ways that consequently lead to this kind of dismissal. For instant, when an employee’s wages are reduced in a manner that breaches the terms of agreement of the contract or the prevailing working conditions endangers the life of the employee or unjust increase in workload and discrimination of the employee (Sandler & Keefe, 2010). It is a natural phenomenon for the person being dismissed to feel resentment towards the manager. It is prudent that anything the manager does during the dismissal is aimed at minimizing as much as possible the resentment that the process may accompany. The repercussions for dismissal of a worker can be so detrimental not only to the company itself but also to the well being of the manager (Cushway, 2014). Due to competitive nature in the business arena, companies strive to create and maintain a nutritious image geared towards acquisition of customers for the short term purpose as well as long term purpose. If the distraught worker bad mouths the company after dismissal, customers may have some reservations towards that company. Moreover, the manager should avoid by all means using all the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Earth Embankment Dam Filters With reference to journal papers (a Essay

Earth Embankment Dam Filters With reference to journal papers (a minimum of 3) and text books (a maximum of 3), discuss the late - Essay Example Some of the causes of embankment include embankment deformations under static loading, which occur due to volumetric changes, tangential and shear displacements within the embankment and groundwork materials. This study establishes that the volumetric changes are due to either a raise in the normal stresses on a soil constituent, which causes a decrease in void volume, or dilation of soil rudiments undergoing shear (INDRARATNA, & ASHOK, 2006). The riskiest event of an embankment dam is when it overtops beyond its spillways thus causing the ultimate failure. What is the purpose of upstream and downstream filters? Upstream can be defined a course away from the supply of power in a fluid system under the pretext of an embankment dam. In other words, downstream in a hydraulic structure is in the same bearing as the fluid is moving. To start with, the purpose of the downstream filters involves upgrading the dams intended to meet the safety standards. It is imperative to note that retrofit ting stepped up spillways to the dam is the most recent and accepted method, where when the waters flows down a stepped spillways, the water surface changes from a smooth surface to a rough surface with visible white water (INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON LARGE DAMS, 1994). Designing of the stepped spillways, and stilling basins finds the knowledge of the beginning of the white water fundamental. This paper indicates that stepped spillways used to embankment dams particularly on the downward filtering have become a common phenomenon with the rehabilitation of aging watershed dams more particularly those experiencing a hazard classification change from low to high hazard (PERRY, 2007). This study finds that the initiation point is significant region for a spillway design factor applied in energy debauchery and entrainment forecast associations. For instance, Chanson developed an inception point correlation for gravity stepped; spillways with an ogee crest control section. However, Chan son’s correlation tends to overvalue the distance from the downstream periphery of a broad-crested barrier to the inception point for stepped spillways with is presented by () when the Froude surface coarseness is less than 10 (PERRY, 2007). Meireles and Matos maximized Chanson's association for broad-crested weir stepped spillways retrofitted for embankment dams (PERRY, 2007). There are numerous new associations for projecting the original point location for broad-crested step spillways classically designed for embankment dams for a extensive range of flow conditions such that the F*? 100 and Froude surface roughness ?100. Upstream can be defined as a course towards the spring of power in a fluid structure in the context of an embankment dam. Upstream in a hydraulic system is in the direction from which the fluid is coming (PERRY, 2007). It is imperative to note that, both the downward and upward streams filters are fundamental in numerous functions, which include acting as cut offs, casing, slope protection, surface drainage and as impervious blanket. How are such filters designed? This study intends to consider the design of these filters that makes them perform the listed functions in the current dynamic environmental changes. Cut off The cut off is significant in plummeting the loss of stored water through foundations and abutments. In addition, it prevents sub-surface erosion by piping (PERRY, 2007). The design that fits makes this filters to function

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Materials and Surface Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Materials and Surface Engineering - Essay Example Therefore, the mating surfaces should be accessible so that the lubricant can be applied at regular intervals. However, in many cases, the mating surfaces may be in radioactive or toxic zone or may be inaccessible due to design considerations. In such cases on cannot depend on liquid lubricants. At high load and low speed the liquid lubricant film is not thick enough to ensure effective separation of the mating surfaces and therefore, frictional force and wear loss increases. Therefore, one cannot rely on liquid lubricants under such operating conditions. Liquid lubricants are not good for high temperature applications as viscosity decreases with increasing temperature and vapors may also be produced at higher temperature. Therefore, liquid lubricants are not suitable for application at higher temperatures. Liquid lubricants are not clean in itself in the sense that it gets spread on the workplace and also dirt and dust gets adhered to it deteriorating the cleanliness of the workplace further. Therefore, liquid lubricants are not preferred for clean applications. Q6. A steel ball of elastic modulus E1 and Poisson’s ratio ï  ®1 (figure, below) is pressing with load P onto a flat metallic surface of aluminum plate having elastic modulus E2 and Poisson’s ratio ï  ®2 and hardness H. (d) This equation gives a much larger value for the volume of wear than what is experimentally observed or what is observed in real life. The difference is very high and is 4 to 7 order of magnitude higher than that observed in the experiments. This is because not all but only a very small fraction of the asperity contacts result in wear of the material and therefore, in stead of the equality sign in the Archard’s wear equation, there should be a proportionality sign. When this is done a constant is introduced in the equation whose value is determined experimentally. Thus the revised equation

Friday, July 26, 2019

Christian Smith, The Emergence of Libertation Essay

Christian Smith, The Emergence of Libertation - Essay Example The movement was formed when in 1962; Pope John XXIII called the Vatican to try adapting Christian message to the world, which was coming modernized at high rate. The council was also called upon to rethink on the nature that the church had and the relationship that was between the two. In the conference, there was redesigning of the roles that were to be played by the church. The church was then seen as people of God who had different capabilities but those who shared humanity and similar destiny in the eye of God. Through the conference, Vatican II called for the church to get involved in the fight against poverty. They thought that when there was development of a humble role, the poor would be easily reached. There was rejection of the idea that the church was to be aligned with powerful elite and stressed on the need of a more just world. The bishops that were from Latin America were not much satisfied with the Vatican II; it became a lesson to them. When the bishops went back to Latin America, they took a close look at the social order in the numerous countries (Smith, 58). The concepts of Vatican II were applied in Latin America in 1968. The outcome that was got was a document that was to be the basis for liberation theology. The document also gave the church power to get involved in social change. There was argue that the church was to be involved much on liberation rather than focusing on developments in dealing with the problems that faced by Latin America (Smith, 83). There are theologians that played a major role in making sure that liberation theology was developed. The people include Segundo Galilea, Gustavo Gutià ©rrez, Juan Luis Segundo, and Lucio Gera. In 1964, Gustavo Gutià ©rrez described the theology as a critical reflection on praxis. The line of though was then developed further by meetings that were carried out in Havana in 1965. After

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethnics in the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethnics in the media - Essay Example Moreover, these internal conflicts had become very severe over a period of seventeen years (National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)). The Somali journalists were subjected to violent attacks constantly, and the perpetrators of such violence were granted immunity. In fact, none of the perpetrators of crime against journalists had been prosecuted in Somaliland. There were several persons who had perpetrated attacks against journalists and media persons. They included officials of the Transitional Federal Government, rebel leaders, the opposition and gangsters. All these entities invented novel methods of violence to suppress the media and to prevent news coverage by journalists. They had cautioned the press and asked it to refrain from publishing or broadcasting information and policies (National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)). Journalists had to work in a very dangerous and hostile environment. They were abused in several ways, and directed to abstain from exposing the facts to the public. The Transitional Federal Government had imposed various restrictions on the freedom of press and the electronic media in the capital city. The Somaliland government had closed down five private radio stations that were based in the capital city. Furthermore, the Regional Administration of Banadir had enacted restrictive laws, which aimed at curbing the freedom of press and media (National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)). There were several incidents, wherein the police had conducted illegal raids on the offices of newspapers in Somaliland. In one particular incident, the police and officials from the Criminal Investigation Department raided the offices of the Haatuf Daily Newspaper, based in Hargeisa. After this raid, they took Yusuf Abdi Gabobe, Director of Haatuf Media Network into custody, along with several other journalists. The police and CID officials also arrested Ali Abdi Dini, Editor-in-Chief of Haatuf Daily Newspaper and its treasurer,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ideas about disseration topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ideas about disseration topic - Assignment Example There are limited research papers written on this particular topic. Impact of land acquisition helps to reveal trend in present economy and its association with livelihood. The common impacts are decreased social welfare, unsuccessful employment and lack of social network. Compensation is greatly affected when farmland is acquired due to various reasons (Zhao, 2013). The main development zones in Suzhou are Xiangcheng district, Industrial Park of Suzhou, Wuzhong and Suzhou New District. Rational for the study is - economic development in China is an alarming issue but impact of land acquisition is not widely observed in any research study. This study shall also encompass other related factors. Firstly policies or institutions which govern land acquisition mechanism in China would be incorporated in this particular study. Household livelihood situation shall also be a part of the research study. Economic development of Suzhou is sustained through land acquisition. This aspect would be upheld in the study. It shall not only focus on impact of farmland acquisition but also methods used by people to cope with changes occurring in livelihood. There would be livelihood conditions analyzed through utilizing quantitative and qualitative mechanisms. The data collection methods to be used in the study shall also highlight farmer’s opinions in terms of relationship between farmland acquisition and state of livelihood. The major aim of the research study is to analyze impact of land acquisition on farmer’s livelihood. Natural resources and environment are closely knitted with human activities. Recent economic development has greatly altered man-land relationship. Urbanization can be treated as a procedure to resolve agricultural problems. Urban development requires maximum utilization of land resources in order to facilitate urban construction. This study shall also aim at understanding the concept of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project breif Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project breif - Literature review Example This research proposal concerns the conduct of a dissertation involving the investigation, assessment and analysis of various challenges involved in the management of government projects in Saudi Arabia and the provisioning of appropriate recommendations for their successful management. As a means of reducing inefficiency and maximizing productivity, stakeholders throughout the business world have come to appreciate the power of timely and relevant project management theory (Al-Otaibi et al., 2013). As such, globalization has created a situation in which firms from around the globe integrate with businesses and projects in other countries. Therefore, engaging in a deeper and more efficient means of globalised project management is a step towards modernization and development; a goal towards which this proposal is fundamentally directed. While the implementation of infrastructural projects is undoubtedly increasing in the developing and emerging economies, project management in these countries is associated with a number of specific challenges (Frame, 2002). Such challenges increase when projects are undertaken for governmental organisations and departments (Frame, 2002). Extensive project work is occurring in Saudi Arabia, with the Kingdom’s government focusing on building infrastructure in areas of power generation, transportation, roads and medical facilities (Meed Media, 2013). Whilst project activity in the country does provide strong opportunities for project management organisations, the successful execution of such projects involves the anticipation, recognition and overcoming of diverse types of challenges with specific political, bureaucratic and legal ramifications (Meed Media, 2013). The proposed research study aims to examine the various challenges associated with management of government projects in Saudi Arabia and the providing of appropriate recommendations for overcoming

In a dark time Essay Example for Free

In a dark time Essay Reading and understanding poems is a creative process that goes on in time and from line to line even as the poet’s creation does. In the poem Roethke tries to break through the barriers of rational language with paradoxes and short, seemingly unrelated statements. In a sense, Roethke’s poem is also a commentary on the experience, and his essay is another attempt to record his mystical enlightenment. Each expression in turn becomes its own experience for the writer. â€Å"In a Dark Time,† was a dictated poem, something scarcely mine at all. The allegorical nature of his spiritual journey is clear from the phrase â€Å"A man goes far to find out what he is† that by is generality universalizes and distances the speaker’s quest. His search is less for personal identity than it is for defining characteristics of the human condition-man’s nature and the limits of his understanding. His mystical experience dissolves idiosyncrasies into ultimate concerns, yet we expect more of a union with the divine, a phase he saves for the last stanza. At the end of â€Å"In a Dark Time,† the speaker returns to the opening paradox that natural darkness is actually a spiritual light, but now the paradox has a more agonizing relevance. Instead of the general statement that â€Å"In a dark time, the eye begins to see,† he now confesses that â€Å"Dark, dark/my light, and darker my desire. † In mystical literature God remains the source of all light, although He may appear as darkness to man’s limited mind. Roethke, in the poem, would be restoring the original power of the One beyond God, and what is more, identifying himself with the greater of the two. While he is not the final authority on the meaning of â€Å"In a Dark Time,† Roethke’s interpretation demands the close attention: if only by the necessities of his art, he has lived with the poem longer and more intimately than his readers. Reference: Roethke, T. (1960). Roethke: Colleted Poems. Double-day Company, Inc.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Learning Team IRAC Brief Essay Example for Free

Learning Team IRAC Brief Essay Learning Team B was tasked to study the IRAC method of case study analysis, and select one legal case from a current event that has taken place within the past two years relevant to this week’s objectives. After selecting a current case, Learning Team B prepared a case brief using the IRAC method. Learning Team B selected the United States v. Jones case, which was decided January 23, 2012. Learning Team B was also tasked to provide an explanation of how the legal concepts in the United States v. Jones case could be applied within a business managerial setting. The government issued a warrant to place a Global Positioning System on the personal vehicle of Jones to track any unlawful behavior. For 28 days, the government monitored the vehicle and â€Å"it subsequently secured an indictment of Jones and others on drug trafficking conspiracy charges† (United states v., 2012). The issue is that a violation of the Fourth Amendment may be in question. The question in this case is whether or not the vehicle that was fitted with the GPS is considered real or personal property. Also how is the vehicle subject to government surveillance only on public property? Could the vehicle be subject to the real or personal property laws protected under the Fourth Amendment? The question remains if the vehicle can be searched using the GPS only part of the time. The court’s ruling still does not clearly define what the fourth amendment covers as real or personal property. The definition of the Fourth Amendment is not completely clear on exactly what the real or personal property is defined as or if it is reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by society or a court of law. The law â€Å"protects reasonable expectations of privacy, but the Supreme Court has refused to provide a consistent explanation for what makes an expectation of privacy ‘reasonable’† (Kerr, 2007, p. 503). The Fourth Amendment can be applied to a business managerial setting by protecting workers rights to privacy somewhat. Any use of work property, including e-mail and Internet is subject to inspection by the company. There is a reasonable expectation of privacy in the workplace if an employee has an office. If the employee is in the  front of the work environment conversations or anything in plain view can be subject to police search. According to â€Å"Surveillance Self-Defense (2013), â€Å"A big question in determining whether your expectation of privacy is ‘reasonable’ and protected by the Fourth Amendment arises when you have ‘knowingly exposed’ something to another person or to the public at large† (Reasonable Expectation of Privacy). If a person is exposes intended personal information or property to a third party that reasonable expectation of privacy is no longer valid. The â€Å"Fourth Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights,† and the â€Å"Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution.† The â€Å"Fourth Amendment protects the rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures† (Gatewood, 2013, p. 1). The government can use â€Å"GPS to track an individual movement† if they believe a crime have been committed. If law enforcement wants to obtain a warrant for â€Å"a GPS device to be installed† on an individual car, he or she must be able to convince a judge that a crime has been committed. They must also provide the judge with information about the place that will â€Å"be searched, and the† individual â€Å"or thing to be seized† (Hughes Burton, 2013, p. 1). In this court case, â€Å"the agents obtained a warrant, but they did not comply with two of the warrants restrictions. First, they did not install the GPS device within the 10-day period that was required by the provision of the warrant.† Second, the â€Å"GPS device supposed to be installed in the vehicle in the District of Columbia, as required by the condition of the warrant.† The â€Å"government installs the GPS device on the vehicle in a public parking space in Maryland† (McKenzie, 2002, p. 1). According to McKenzie (2002), â€Å"the vehicle is an effect as the term is used in the Amendment, and this is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.† An organization that use any form of GPS device on an individual vehicle would be violating the Fourth Amendment.† The â€Å"Fourth Amendment† was implemented to safeguard the rights of citizens, and to make sure that his or her â€Å"privacy is not violated† in any way (McKenzie, 2002, p. 1). A public management can â€Å"conduct a mixed-motive search of an employer’s workplace, seeking to discover evidence of worker misconduct, as well as evidence the worker has committed a crime.† For example, a â€Å"search of a computer of a worker who has been downloading child pornography implicates both personnel misconduct and criminal concern.† â€Å"Courts assessing whether to apply the O’Connor reasonableness standard or the more traditional Fourth Amendment probable cause and warrant requirements of these mix-motive searches have applied O’Connor, reasonableness standard.† Certainly, â€Å"as explained by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, O’Connor’s† objective of â€Å"ensuring that an efficient workplace should not be frustrated simply because the similar misconduct that violates a government management’s rule, and it is also illegal† (Koster, 2007, p. 1). A community employer can conduct searches related to the workplace â€Å"such as to find a missing file or to investigate workplace misconduct,† in compliance with the â€Å"Fourth Amendment without probable cause or a warrant.† A job-related search is â€Å"constitutionally† allowable â€Å"as long as they are reasonable expectation of privacy.† Furthermore, â€Å"even if the search does infringe on a worker’s reasonable expectation of privacy, the search will deemed reasonable in accordance with the Fourth Amendment it is justified as its inception and permissible in scope† (Koster, 2007, p. 1). In George Orwell’s 1984, the citizens of the dystopian, totalitarian country of Oceania are subjected to a grim reality of constant government surveillance. In difference, technology is necessary to fulfill Orwell’s nightmare is far closer to fact than fiction. For example, the smart phone while using its GPS function is an indispensable component for numerous road trips; this global device has many of the same capabilities as 1984 feared telescreen. In the United States v. Jones, the Supreme Court of the United States concluded that police violated the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution when they attached the GPS-enabled tracking device to the defendant’s vehicle and used it to monitor the car’s movements for 28 days (Maryland Law Review, pg. 998). Jones highlights two uniquely prescient  concerns: The impact of modern information-sharing technology on individual privacy, and what limits ought to be placed on Law enforcement from using such technology unrestricted by physical boundaries (Maryland Law Review, pg. 999). The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the lower court and held that without a warrant, the installation of the GPS tracking device constituted an unlawful search under the Fourth Amendment (United states v., 2012). The government had argued a person did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy on public streets but the U.S. Supreme court rejected this argument. The U.S. Supreme court ruled a person does have a reasonable expectation of privacy on public streets regardless of how the GPS tracking device is placed on the person’s vehicle. The U.S. Supreme Court also ruled that today’s surveillance technology is very advanced but still creates a physical intrusion into a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy protected under the Fourth Amendment (United states v., 2012). This ruling is very important in today’s business world as technology rapidly advances. The current generation of workers is very comfortable with advanced technology but still have the basic expectations of privacy that workers had 20 years ago. Companies can track email conversations, locate company smart phones using GPS technology, locate, and monitor routes of company vehicles, and even video tape activity at their locations. It is important that an organization brief and ensure each employee acknowledges the reasonable expectation of privacy policies. If a company issues a smart phone to an employee and employ GPS tracking on the phone, the employee must be informed his or her smart phone will be monitored. If a company installs GPS tracking devices on their vehicles the driver of that vehicle must be informed his or her route and movement is subject to company monitoring at all times. If a company video monitors its employees, employees must sign an acknowledgment under standing their movement with the organization is monitored and recorded during the business day. Advanced technology is a tool to reduce fraud in the workplace but cannot violate an employee’s right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment. References Gatewood, J. (2013). It’s raining Katz and Jones: The implications of United States v. Jones- A case of sound and fury. Pace Law Review, 33(2), 683-715. Retrieved from George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1988, The Evolving Fourth Amendment United States vs. Jones, The information cloud, and the right to exclude, Ber An Pan, 1993 Hughes, T. Burton, C. (2013). Police GPS surveillance on vehicles and the warrant Requirement: â€Å"For a while I’ve been watching you steady†. American Journal Of Criminal Justice, 38(4), 535-550.doi:10.1007/s12103-012-9185-z. Retrieved from Kerr, O.S. (2007, November). Four Models of Fourth Amendment Protection. Stanford Law Review, 60(2), 503-551. Retrieved from McKenzie, D. (2002). What were they smoking?: The Supreme Court’s latest step in a long Strange trip throu gh the Fourth Amendment. Journal of Criminal Law Criminology, 93(1), 153. Retrieved from Koster, P. R. (2007). Workplace searches by public employers and the Fourth Amendment. Urban Lawyer, 39(1). 75-84. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.comezproxy. Surveillance Self-Defense. (2013). Retrieved from U.S. Supreme Court, (2012). United states v. jones (No. 10–1259). Retrieved from website:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Globalization Has Increased Poverty In A Developing Nation Economics Essay

Globalization Has Increased Poverty In A Developing Nation Economics Essay Nowadays, the term globalization is the main focus of attention. It is often described as a process of internationalization easy communication regardless of geographical boundaries due to advance technologies, easy and fast financial capital flow across the globe and countries become more interdependent particularly in economy. It is believed that globalization provides consumers with variety of choices with affordable price. So, is the globalization reducing or increasing poverty? This study will attempt to briefly answer this question. Though both the United Nations and India have celebrated fifty years, they have been criticized for failing to translate the stated mandate for the disadvantaged millions. Half a century after Independence, as of now, we have the largest population of poor people in the world, one third of our rural population is below the poverty line and despite the UN agencies massive aid projects, the development assistance of the World Bank, bilateral aid, the Center and State governments intervention, the gap between the rich and the poor has doubled in the last three decades fifteen years ago the lowest 20 per cent of global population received 2.5 per cent of global wealth whereas at present, the share has been reduced to less than 1.3 per cent. For example, the 1999 UNDP Human Development Report records that the gap between the rich and the poor among nations as well as within nations has widened. Even the World Bank in its Report for 1999 concedes that raising the GNP is not enough to impr ove human development, other social measures are needed. The trickle-down theory of economic development cannot bring out the desired results. It has also pointed out that India is a country of stark contrasts and disparities. Among the widening contradictions some seem to be glaring. Undoubtedly food grain production has increased fourfold but 653 per cent of children under four remain undernourished; literacy has doubled, yet half the population is illiterate, life expectancy has improved but only 927 females survive for every 1000 males. As we have entered into the twenty-first century, it is imperative on our part to look at the scenario with bare facts and figures. The problem statement Does Globalization increase or reduce poverty. Objective and scope Poverty in India is widespread with the nation estimated to have a third of the worlds poor. According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 42% of Indias falls below the international poverty line of $1.25 a day (PPP, in nominal terms Rs. 21.6 a day in urban areas and Rs 14.3 in rural areas); having reduced from 60% in 1980. According to the criterion used by the Planning Commission of India 27.5% of the population was living below the poverty line in 2004-2005, down from 51.3% in 1977-1978, and 36% in 1993-1994 Among the causes ascribed for the high level poverty in India are its history under British rule, large population, and low literacy. Also important is Indias social structure, including the caste system in India, and the role of women in Indian society. Economic growth has in the past been dampened by a dependence upon agriculture, and the economic policies adopted after its independence. Since the 1950s, the Indian government and non-governmental organizations have initiated several programs to alleviate poverty, including subsidizing food and other necessities, increased access to loans, improving agricultural techniques and price supports, and promoting education and family planning. These measures have helped eliminate famines, cut absolute poverty levels by more than half, and reduced illiteracy and malnutrition. (I) Defining globalization and poverty (II) Does Globalization reduce poverty, (III) Does Globalization increase poverty, (IV) What are the other reasons contributing to poverty, (V) What role The World Bank, IMF and WTO play in developing countries, (VI) Who benefit the most from globalization. Defining Globalization and Poverty Globalization has been defined in various dimensions. Among many established definitions, these are some of them. Globalization as internationalization in which is viewed as simply another adjective to describe cross-border relations between countries; Globalization as liberalization which refers to a process of removing government-imposed restrictions on movements between countries in order to create an open, borderless world economy. Defining poverty is controversial. Definition of poverty in developed countries may not be applicable to the one in developing countries. However, United Nations and World Bank define poverty line as living on less than a $1 and $2 a day for low income countries. Sociologists define poverty a lack of essential items such as food, clothing, water, and shelter needed for proper living . Since Globalization and Poverty is a huge and very broad topic, this short paper is to attempt looking at one of the heated debate questions on whether globalization reduces or increase poverty. Numerous studies on this issue have been carried out. However, the findings are conflicting. (II) Globalization Reduces Poverty Neoliberal economists widely believe that globalized trade benefits not only the affluent but also the poor through trade integration. Neoliberal economic theorymore open economies are more prosperous, economies that liberalize more experience a faster rate of progress Wade (2004, p-567). The belief is that as countries open up their economy such as by slashing down the trade barriers for instance tariff, custom duty and quotas, price of imported goods will be affordable for the poor; foreign direct investments come in and create jobs in local economy. Consequently, this increases export growth and GDP. Millions of poor peoples living standard improves because of jobs created. China, India and Vietnam are often cited as good examples for success of globalized economy. (III) Globalization Increases Poverty On the contrary, many economists are unconvinced by the neoliberal economists view that globalization reduces poverty. Pilger (2001) in his TV report on Indonesia presents that despite investments from multinational corporations (eg. Nike, Levis, Reebok Classic, Calvin Klein Jeans, Adidas, Gap Inc.), poverty remains unchanged in Indonesia. On average, Indonesian workers are paid only slightly over Rupiah 9,000 (US$1) per day which is just over half of a living wage. Harrison (2006) finds similar situation in Mexico. Mexico is a member of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed in 1993 with Canada, Mexico and USA. If trade integration is to reduce poverty and benefit the poor as neoliberal economists suggest, poverty in Mexico should be declined. But, Harrison (2006, p-7) concludes that poverty rates in Mexico in the year 2000 were higher than they had been ten years earlier. This reinforces that neoliberal economists view on decline of poverty is unconvinced. (IV) Other reasons contribute to poverty Wade (2004, p-571) states that more than 1.2 billion people are still living on less than US$1 a day. The followings are some of the most recognized reasons contribute to poverty: lack of natural resources, natural disaster long period of draught, corruption and sanctions imposed against specific country. For example, according to United Nations, Cape Verde is one of the most stable democratic countries in Africa and the government is relatively mild in corruption. It ranks 49 out of 179 in Transparency Internationals 2008 Corruption Perceptions Index . But due to cycles of long-term drought, lack of natural resources, shortage of water supply and lack of foreign investments, the state is still among the poorest nations on earth despite its good governance. Countries with rich endowment of nature resources also remain in poverty due to wide spread corruption, bad governance, political instability and economic sanctions imposed by powerful countries. For example, my country, Myanmar (Burma) is still among the worlds poorest countries despite rich endowment of natural resources from oil to various gem stones. It is due to political instability, severe corruption, lack of reliable judiciary system, basic infrastructures and economic sanction imposed by The US. Consequently, unemployment rate is remarkably high and chance of economic success for big majority of population is slim unless economic and political reform take place. (V) Role of World Bank, IMF and WTO on development in poor countries The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organization are widely known as driving forces of trade liberalization. Pilger (2001) interviews several former executive officials of The World Bank and IMF in his TV report on Indonesia. Those officials explain that the roles The World Bank and IMF have played in Indonesias economy and various criteria a country to comply with order to get loan from them. World Bank and IMF are supposedly to help poor countries. In reality, powerful countries use the two institutions as tools to suck up resources from developing countries via multinational corporations, according to the TV report. To get loans from the institutions, a country has to reform its economy which mainly means to open up markets and allow multinational corporations to access to countrys resources and privatize industries. Thus, complying with the criteria implies serving the best interests of multinational corporations. In addition to opening up markets for multinational corporations, the loans also come with so called technical experts or consultants. So, significant sum of the loans go back to developed countries as salaries of those experts. To get loan from the institutions, a country also has to have a good relationship with the US because it controls 16.77% of total votes in IMF and 16.39% of The World Banks total vote. For instance, N-Korea and Cuba cannot get loans from the institutions because of sour relationship with The US. World Trade Organization (WTO) is another driver of trade liberalization. It forces member countries to open up their markets and eliminate trade barriers. New members are also required to fulfill these criteria. Members are required to comply with intellectual property laws which were mainly written by the big corporations. WTO is widely criticized for being ineffective to protect the interests of developing nations. When trade disputes occur, chance of getting success in legal battle for poor country is very slim even if it has a good ground because the mechanism is so expensive and complicated. Besides, it cannot force developed countries to stop subsidizing agricultural industry because farmers from poor countries are unable to compete with those heavily subsidized farmers in developed countries. Thus, poor countries always have less advantage in global trading system. (VI) Who benefits the most from globalization? There is no doubt that globalized trades/economy benefits all the parties concerned. However, various studies show that advanced countries are benefiting from the trades more than poor countries. Yotpoulos and Romano (2007, P-21) state that free markets and free trade work best if there are supported by extensive institutional structure such as business infrastructures, reliable legal system and political stability. Thus, globalization is more likely to favour the countries which are wealthy and institution rich, at the expense of those that are poor. On the other hand, developing countries with strong infrastructure base, political stability, dependable legal system and abundant labor forces also benefit from globalization. China, India and Vietnam are often cited as ideal examples. Furthermore, United Nation (2007, P-23) asserts that countries with bargaining strength are more likely to benefit more from bilateral trade agreements and impose more onerous terms on the weaker parties. We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the worlds people share the benefits of globalization. Kofi Annan . (VII) Conclusion In short, it is hard to find convincing data to support either globalization reduces or increases poverty. However, it is clear that globalization is more beneficial to developed countries than to developing countries mainly because of wide spread corruption, bad governance, lack of necessary business infrastructures. Unless world leaders share Kofi Annans concern We must ensure that the global market is embedded in broadly shared values and practices that reflect global social needs, and that all the worlds people share the benefits of globalization., the following remarks are unfortunately likely to continue to be true. George Monbiot (Environmentalist) summarizes, Globalization is used to suggest a coming together of people of all races, all countries. It will relieve poverty and distribute wealth. What is actually happening is precisely the opposite. The Poor become markedly poorer and wealthy become staggeringly wealthier. United States Space Command (1997, p-6) remarks The globalization of the world economy will also continue, with a widening between haves and have-nots. References: Ann Harrison, GLOBALIZATION AND POVERTY NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, Working Paper 12347, Cambridge, 2006. John Pilger, Globalization: New Rulers of the World, Carlton Production, 2001. (TV report) Pan A. Yotpoulos and Donato Romano (editors), The Asymmetries of Globalization, Routledge, USA Canada, 2007. ROBERT HUNTER WADE, Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality? London School of Economics and Political Science, World Development Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 567-589, UK, 2004. United Nations, The Employment Imperative: Report on the World Social Situation 2007 New York, 2007. Significance of the study India opened up the economy in the early nineties following a major crisis that led by a FOREX crunch that dragged the economy close to defaulting on loans. The response was a slew of Domestic and external sector policy measures partly prompted by the immediate needs and partly by the demand of the multilateral organisations. The new policy regime radically pushed forward in favour of a more open and market oriented economy. Major measures initiated as a part of the liberalisation and globalisation strategy in the early nineties included scrapping of the industrial licensing regime, reduction in the number of areas reserved for the public sector, amendment of the monopolies and the restrictive trade practices act, start of the privatisation programme, reduction in tariff rates and change over to market determined exchange rates. Over the years there has been a steady liberalisation of the current account transactions, more and more sectors opened up for foreign direct investments and portfolio investments facilitating entry of foreign investors in telecom, roads, ports, airports, insurance and other major sectors. The Indian tariff rates reduced sharply over the decade from a weighted average of 72.5% in 1991-92 to 24.6 in 1996-97.Though tariff rates went up slowly in the late nineties it touched 35.1% in 2001-02. India is committed to reduced tariff rates. Peak tariff rates are to be reduced to the minimum with a peak rate of 20%, in another 2 years most non-tariff barriers have been dismantled by March 2002, including almost all quantitative restrictions. Globalization has increased poverty, although there is a school of thought that it has reduced poverty. India is Global: The liberalisation of the domestic economy and the increasing integration of India with the global economy have helped step up GDP growth rates, which picked up from 5.6% in 1990-91 to a peak level of 77.8% in 1996-97. Growth rates have slowed down since the country has still bee able to achieve 5-6% growth rate in three of the last six years. Though growth rates has slumped to the lowest level 4.3% in 2002-03 mainly because of the worst droughts in two decades the growth rates are expected to go up close to 70% in 2003-04. A Global comparison shows that India is now the fastest growing just after China. This is major improvement given that India is growth rate in the 1970s was very low at 3% and GDP growth in countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Korea, and Mexico was more than twice that of India. Though Indias average annual growth rate almost doubled in the eighties to 5.9% it was still lower than the growth rate in China, Korea and Indonesia. The pick up in GDP growth has helped improve Indias global position. Consequently Indias position in the global economy has improved from the 8th position in 1991 to 4th place in 2001. When GDP is calculated on a purchasing power parity basis. Globalisation and Poverty: Globalisation in the form of increased integration though trade and investment is an important reason why much progress has been made in reducing poverty and global inequality over recent decades. But it is not the only reason for this often unrecognised progress, good national polices , sound institutions and domestic political stability also matter. Despite this progress, poverty remains one of the most serious international challenges we face up to 1.2 billion of the developing world 4.8 billion people still live in extreme poverty. But the proportion of the world population living in poverty has been steadily declining and since 1980 the absolute number of poor people has stopped rising and appears to have fallen in recent years despite strong population growth in poor countries. If the proportion living in poverty had not fallen since 1987 alone a further 215million people would be living in extreme poverty today. India has to concentrate on five important areas or things to follow to achieve this goal. The areas like technological entrepreneurship, new business openings for small and medium enterprises, importance of quality management, new prospects in rural areas and privatisation of financial institutions. The manufacturing of technology and management of technology are two different significant areas in the country. There will be new prospects in rural India. The growth of Indian economy very much depends upon rural participation in the global race. After implementing the new economic policy the role of villages got its own significance because of its unique outlook and branding methods. For example food processing and packaging are the one of the area where new entrepreneurs can enter into a big way. It may be organised in a collective way with the help of co-operatives to meet the global demand. Understanding the current status of globalisation is necessary for setting course for future. For all nations to reap the full benefits of globalisation it is essential to create a level playing field. President Bushs recent proposal to eliminate all tariffs on all manufactured goods by 2015 will do it. In fact it may exacerbate the prevalent inequalities. According to this proposal, tariffs of 5% or less on all manufactured goods will be eliminated by 2005 and higher than 5% will be lowered to 8%. Starting 2010 the 8% tariffs will be lowered each year until they are eliminated by 2015. GDP Growth rate: The Indian economy is passing through a difficult phase caused by several unfavourable domestic and external developments; Domestic output and Demand conditions were adversely affected by poor performance in agriculture in the past two years. The global economy experienced an overall deceleration and recorded an output growth of 2.4% during the past year growth in real GDP in 2001-02 was 5.4% as per the Economic Survey in 2000-01. The performance in the first quarter of the financial year is5.8% and second quarter is 6.1%. Export and Import: Indias Export and Import in the year 2001-02 was to the extent of 32,572 and 38,362 million respectively. Many Indian companies have started becoming respectable players in the International scene. Agriculture exports account for about 13 to 18% of total annual of annual export of the country. In 2000-01 Agricultural products valued at more than US $ 6million were exported from the country 23% of which was contributed by the marine products alone. Marine products in recent years have emerged as the single largest contributor to the total agricultural export from the country accounting for over one fifth of the total agricultural exports. Cereals (mostly basmati rice and non-basmati rice), oil seeds, tea and coffee are the other prominent products each of which accounts fro nearly 5 to 10% of the countries total agricultural exports. Where does Indian stand in terms of Global Integration? India clearly lags in globalisation. Number of countries have a clear lead among them China, large part of east and far east Asia and eastern Europe. Lets look at a few indicators how much we lag. Over the past decade FDI flows into India have averaged around 0.5% of GDP against 5% for China 5.5% for Brazil. Whereas FDI inflows into China now exceeds US $ 50 billion annually. It is only US $ 4billion in the case of India Consider global trade Indias share of world merchandise exports increased from .05% to .07% over the pat 20 years. Over the same period Chinas share has tripled to almost 4%. Indias share of global trade is similar to that of the Philippines an economy 6 times smaller according to IMF estimates. India under trades by 70-80% given its size, proximity to markets and labour cost advantages. It is interesting to note the remark made last year by Mr. Bimal Jalan, Governor of RBI. Despite all the talk, we are now where ever close being globalised in terms of any commonly used indicator of globalisation. In fact we are one of the least globalised among the major countries however we look at it. As Amartya Sen and many other have pointed out that India, as a geographical, politico-cultural entity has been interacting with the outside world throughout history and still continues to do so. It has to adapt, assimilate and contribute. This goes without saying even as we move into what is called a globalised world which is distinguished from previous eras from by faster travel and communication, greater trade linkages, denting of political and economic sovereignty and greater acceptance of democracy as a way of life. Consequences: The implications of globalisation for a national economy are many. Globalisation has intensified interdependence and competition between economies in the world market. This is reflected in Interdependence in regard to trading in goods and services and in movement of capital. As a result domestic economic developments are not determined entirely by domestic policies and market conditions. Rather, they are influenced by both domestic and international policies and economic conditions. It is thus clear that a globalising economy, while formulating and evaluating its domestic policy cannot afford to ignore the possible actions and reactions of policies and developments in the rest of the world. This constrained the policy option available to the government which implies loss of policy autonomy to some extent, in decision-making at the national level. ~

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Money - I Want It :: Free Essay Writer

Money - I Want It I cannot wait to finish college and begin baking my economic cake. Everyday you here about someone making it big in the stock market, some one winning the lotto jackpot or some idiot cleaning out some other idiot in court. There is only one thing that those people have that I want, and it’s money. I’ve learned at a very early age the value of the â€Å"all mighty buck†. I grew up in a poor single mother home, and when I saw all the kids with cool toys, and I had squat, I realized that if I want something I have to get it for myself. I had my first job at age five, but I also had the toys I wanted too. The world revolves around money, just a pure and simple fact. There is plenty of money out there and I want more than my share of it. If money was a drug then call me a junky, I’m addicted to money like a welfare cheat is addicted to crack. I’ve also learned at an early age that you’re not going to make any money with out a college education. In high school I never planned on going to college because my parents didn’t have money, and after high school I had to fend for myself. I bounced around from low paying job to low paying job. At age 19 I got a dishwashing job at this figure skating camp that was owned by the same people who owned the hockey rink where I played at for the last 9 years. The only reason I got the job was because the staff knew me from the other rink and had basically watched me grow up, I was there so often. It was a seasonal job just for the summer. In that summer I learned about hard work and what kind of stuff it takes to be a hard worker. I worked so hard there, the boss gave me more and more hours until I was full time. By the end of that summer I was considered one of the hardest workers there. Well out of everyone in the kitchen staff, I was the only one offered another job at ice rink. Sure it was only for a snack bar attendant, but at least it was a little more money and responsibility .

High-Functioning Autism through Rain Man Essay example -- Neurology Di

High-Functioning Autism through Rain Man A man and his brother walk down the terminal in an airport. They engage in a heated argument over whether they should board an airplane for Los Angeles. The older brother complains about taking an airplane and fears for his life, telling his brother about the crashes that every airline has had. The younger brother becomes annoyed and tells him that every airline has crashed at one point or another. To this, the older brother exclaims, â€Å"Qantas never crashed.† Upset at his obstinacy and refusing to fly to Australia just to travel to Los Angeles, the younger brother attempts to pull the older. He responds in the only way he knows—by screaming. Not wishing to undergo his painful screams, the younger brother stops and reassures his brother that they will drive to Los Angeles instead. This scene may sound weird to neurologically-typical (NT), or â€Å"normal†, people, but it does demonstrate the coping strategies of people with autism, as exhibited through this scene from Rain Man. Charlie Babbitt, a neurologically typical adult, does not understand how his brother, Raymond Babbitt, who is a high-functioning autistic, functions in his little world that he has created. Manifestations of autism such as this indicate to people how an autistic was seen as â€Å"like a wolf† (Pollak 258) in older definitions. Recently, though, people are beginning to understand that the problem is organic, or biologically based, as opposed to the psychogenic, or psychologically based, hypothesis of the past. With the release of Rain Man came the increased understanding of autistics and a willingness to find out what autistics are thinking, thus i... ...on & Schuster, 1997. Rain Man. Dir. Barry Levinson. Prod. Mark Johnson. Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1988. Rimland, Bernard. Infantile Autism: the Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior. New York: Meredith Publishing Company, 1964. Rowe, Peter. â€Å"Delving into the Mystery of Autism.† San Diego Union-Tribune 16 October 2001. 9 December 2001 Schneider, Edgar. Discovering My Autism: Apologia Pro Vita Sua (with Apologies to Cardinal Newman). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd., 1999. Smith, Claude J., Jr. â€Å"Finding a Warm Place for Someone We Know: the Cultural Appeal of Recent Mental Patient and Asylum Films.† Journal of Popular Film and Television 27.1 (2001). 9 December 2001

Friday, July 19, 2019

health care :: essays research papers

1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What conventional economic principles apply in the health care environment? Economics is defined as â€Å"The scientific study of the choices made by individuals and societies in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources which are employed to satisfy wants (Rodda, 2004).† The health care environment is based off of uncertainty (i.e. accidents, death, etc) thus, we can expect a large amount of uncertainty towards the future. Since we know there is a lot of risk and uncertainty involved, we also know these are major measurements that the study of economics researches. Economics has some basic principles that are crucial to its theory. For instance, supply and demand is an important principle that affects the health care environment. What we know from this is that when demand rises, prices increase, and when supply rises, prices decrease. Currently, we can see this in Medicaid and Medicare today as demand for these services continue to increase as more older people continue to live longer lives. Another issue is costs. Costs are skyrocketing for healthcare and many can no longer afford it. The cost of healthcare continues to rise and many more are becoming uninsured. Another factor is a labor shortage. Nursing, and other areas in the hospital are becoming dangerously problematic. According to The American Association of College Nursing (AACN) between 1995 and 2002 the number of U.S. educated nursing school graduates who sat for the national licensure exam for RNs decreased from 96,438 to 66,286. They also stated that by 2010 more than a million new and replacement nurses will be needed because of increased health care demands and retirements. The average age of working RNs in 2000 was 43. health care :: essays research papers 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What conventional economic principles apply in the health care environment? Economics is defined as â€Å"The scientific study of the choices made by individuals and societies in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources which are employed to satisfy wants (Rodda, 2004).† The health care environment is based off of uncertainty (i.e. accidents, death, etc) thus, we can expect a large amount of uncertainty towards the future. Since we know there is a lot of risk and uncertainty involved, we also know these are major measurements that the study of economics researches. Economics has some basic principles that are crucial to its theory. For instance, supply and demand is an important principle that affects the health care environment. What we know from this is that when demand rises, prices increase, and when supply rises, prices decrease. Currently, we can see this in Medicaid and Medicare today as demand for these services continue to increase as more older people continue to live longer lives. Another issue is costs. Costs are skyrocketing for healthcare and many can no longer afford it. The cost of healthcare continues to rise and many more are becoming uninsured. Another factor is a labor shortage. Nursing, and other areas in the hospital are becoming dangerously problematic. According to The American Association of College Nursing (AACN) between 1995 and 2002 the number of U.S. educated nursing school graduates who sat for the national licensure exam for RNs decreased from 96,438 to 66,286. They also stated that by 2010 more than a million new and replacement nurses will be needed because of increased health care demands and retirements. The average age of working RNs in 2000 was 43.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Coffee Ulbs Essay

Coffee is a brewed beverage with a distinct aroma and flavor from the roasted seeds of the coffea plant. Coffee comes in many types of colour such as dark brown,white,beige,black,light brown,and more. Coffee was first discovered in the northeast region of Ethopia. Cofee cultivation first took place in southern Arabia,appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. According to the ancient chronicle,Omar who was known for his ability to cure sick through prayer was once exiled from Mocha,Yemen to a desert cave near Ousab. Starving,Omar chewed berries from nearby shrubbery but found them to the bitter. He tried roasting the seeds to improve the flavor,but they become hard. He then tried boiling them to soften the seeds,which resulted in a fragrant brown liquid. Upon drinking the liquid,Omar was revitalized and sustained for days. As stories of this ‘miracle drug’ reached Mocha,Omar was asked to return and was made a saint. In production of coffee,it consist of many steps such as processing,roasting,grading the roasting seeds,decaffeination,stored,brewing and finally be served. When processing the coffee,the berries of coffee have been traditionally and selectively picked by hand,only the berries at the peak of ripeness would be selected. After that,green coffee is process by one of two methods. Whether by dry process method or wet process method. Then,it will be sorted by ripeness and colour. After that,the seeds are fermented to remove the slimy layer of mucilage still present on the seeds. When the fermentation is finished,the seeds are washed to remove the fermentation residue. Then,the seeds are dried. Finally,the coffee is sorted again and been labeled. The roasting process influences the taste of the beverage by changing the coffee seed both physically and chemically. During roasting,caramelization occurs as intense heat that breaks down starches,changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown,which alters the colour of seeds. Then the seeds will be grading depends on the colour of roasting seeds. It will be labeled as light,medium light,medium,medium dark,dark or very dark. The degree of roast has an effect upon coffee flavor and body. Many methods can remove the caffeine from coffee,but all involve either soaking the green seeds in hot water or steaming them and using a solvent to dissolve caffeine that containing oils. Once roasted,coffee seeds must be stored properly to preserve the fresh taste of the seeds. Coffee seeds must be ground and brewed to create a beverage. Almost all methods of preparing coffee require the seeds to be ground and mixed with hot water long enough to extract the flavor,but without overextraction that draws out bitter compounds. The roasted coffee may be ground at a roaster,in a grocery store or in the home. Then,the coffee may be brewed by several methods such as boiled,steeped,or pressurized. Once brewed,coffee may be served in a variety of ways. As an example,the white coffee was made into dairy product such as milk or cream or dairy substitute or as a black coffee with no such addition. It may be sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetener.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

morality of capital punishment Essay

1) How would Kant reason with the morality of jacket crown penalty? answer for how deontological ethics would line up whether it is mor solelyy permissible Kant is an advocate of the report that the morality of an action is to be impelled non by the extent of the diversion or pain an act produces. enumerate for example the lie of jacket penalization. consort to Kant, if the utility of imposing bang-up punishment will be our guide and so we will be doing a practiced nuisance against humanity.Justice will not be served if we will subject to big(p) punishment a convict patently because we aim to deter villainy, incapacitate the venomous and protect the company. Instead, capital punishment should be trimd because the person is illegal. It must be stressed that Kant upheld the right of the state to impose capital punishment against those proven transgressiony of committing heinous crimes. He however competed that the touch on criterion and standard should be hi s guilt and that the punishment should be proportionate to the crime attached.That reason for this is that when a person commits a crime against some former(a) it is as if he is telling the whole world that he wants to be treated the equal way. correspond to Kant, If you slander another, you slander yourself if you mistake from another, you steal from yourself if you strike another, you strike yourself if you pull down another, you kill yourself. (Immanuel Kant, the Right of Punishing) This is the dominion otherwise cognise as the right of retaliation or Jus Talionis. This is actu ally a placidityatement of Kants Deontological moral philosophy known as the Categorical Imperative.This is the principle that morality is based on staring(a) reason which is in the nature of an unconditional command. Kant states that Act still according to that truism whereby you deal at the same condemnation will that it should become a general law. (Garth Kemerling) If a person decide s to do something to another pastce he does this thinking that the same should be a universal law. In effect capital punishmenters argon saying that this is how spate should be treated, including himself. Thus, if a person commits murder then(prenominal) he must in addition die. There is no other transform for such a heinous crime except capital punishment.It is only by taking away the life of the person who committed the crime of murder that arbitrator will be restored. 2. How would Mill restrict if capitol punishment is morally justified? Describe how Utilitarian Ethics would determine whether capitol punishment is morally permissible Mill, on the other hand, argued that state-sanctioned punishment is justified because of its utility. There is only one standard in ascertain the morality for the imposition of capital punishment that is its consequence. If capital punishment will just about likely produce the greatest commensurateness of happiness over unhappiness then t he punishment is justified.But if there are other options that would produce a great balance of happiness over unhappiness, then that option should be chosen and the imposition of capital punishment is unjustified. In simpler terms, the root word is that if we weigh the positive do of capital punishment as against its negative effects and the positive effects outweighs the negative ones then it has to be imposed. This theory somewhat looks forwards and determines the positive impact of the act to the society. correspond to Mill, capital punishment is the virtually human-centered punishment possible for someone who has committed a heinous crime.A dissolute and painless death is always mitigate than working in hard labour party while in prison for the rest of the life of the convict, to wit What comparison can there really be, in stain of severity, between consigning a man to the nearsighted pang of a rapid death, and immuring him in a living tomb, there to levitate out w hat may be a long life in the hardest and most monotonous toil, without any of its alleviations or rewardsdebarred from all pleasant sights and sounds, and cut off from all earthly hope, except a polished mitigation of bodily restraint, or a small improvement of diet. (John Stuart Mill) seat of government penalty is also beneficial for the society because it deters the outfit of the crime not only by the convict himself but by other persons as well. It sends a clear nub to would-be murderers that the state has a unassailable policy against crime. Although it may not be able to deter all laid criminals, but it is capable of preventing persons other than criminals from committing crimes.Capital punishment will also result a closure to the agony of the relatives of the victims and cope with their grievance for their relative. Conclusion Both philosophers argue in favor of the morality of capital punishment. Their conclusions are the same only that their set forth start from d ifferent end. For Kant, capital punishment should be allowed against those who commit heinous crimes but because they are guilty. For Mill, capital punishment should be imposed because it is better for the convict and the society as well.

How ICT requirements are met in an organisation Essay

Re interface B How ICT requirements ar met in an physical composition Before Haden was introduced ICT, e rattlingthing was make by hand. This took longer and was not a unquestionable method of processing entropy. Haden has m both subdivisions and altogether they father many computers. I am going to solely analyse star of those departments beca hire doing the whole building with the tot of computers exit be ridiculous. The department I pass on be analysing is the Fraud department. This department deals with every(prenominal) the nation committing benefit fraud. They make believe with the police to get those stack in court.The Fraud department found it rocky to cope without computers. When the computers were introduced everything was easy. eitherthing needed ICT. In the Fraud department at that place ar 45 computers. Here ar the specifications of the seriouslywargon. Hardwargon Input impostures Keyboard- in that respect is 40 amount QWERTY keyboards and 5 ergon omic keyboards. Ergonomic keyboards be QWERTY that the layout is different. The keyboards tie by PS/2 port. Mice- There is 45 standard mice. These come as c belessness on all the computers. The mice affiliate also connect through PS/2 port.Digital Cameras- These cameras ar machinations that laughingstock take photos or moving images (films) and budge them on to a PC. The images are JPEG, GIF, UGA, UFO or PSO. There are a total of 4 cameras in the department. The digital cameras connect to the via USB port. S bearners- There is 2 scanners in the department and they also transfer images to the computer. They work equivalent photocopier barely can transfer the images to a PC. This device also connects through USB port. Web Cams- The tissue cams are use to project moving images on to the internet.Only 7 computers commence these and they are nevertheless used for handling confidential documents. The web cams connect to the computers by the USB port. The web cams are used for individualised use. Well, thats what I think An input device is something that transfers raw selective information into a computer for it to be processed. These can include images and evidence from fraud suspects. output devices Monitors- There is 45 monitors. 5 flat cover version monitors, also k promptly as LCD (liquid crystallizing display) screens and the rest are standard default monitors which are CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors.The monitors connect through the successive port. Colour printer- The colour printers are used to print documents with Hadens header on them. The colour makes it much professional. The printers connect through the LPT or double port. These are the main output devices. They take raw information/data and give it back to us processed. Every computer has many different specifications inside and outside. The computers are all the same so it ordain be easy to describe them. Below are the specifications. Compaq Deskpro 40 GB Hard drive CD/CD-RW rebuff Floppy Drive Zip Drive 512 mb DDR RAM64 mb DDR Geforce 4 graphics card Creative soundcard Ethernet Card Modem port 4 USB 2. 0 ports 2 serial ports 2 LPT/parallel ports 2 Fire wire ports 2 PS/2 ports 1 game pad port 1 Network port The hard drives are big so that a crowd of data can be stored. But there is a d averfall to that. It is easier for files to get lost and the file bail system measures is not great. The RAM is a ridiculously giant. It seems the the likes of the computers are made to play games and not do work. This also applies for the graphics card. It also has a large card memory. Most of it is wasted because it is not be used.The department can save a lot of m championy they had computers which are a bit light on the specifications. (RAM, Graphics card etc) As all the computers are same, it is easy for me to describe only one of the computers specifications because they lead the same specifications like the other computers in the department. There is a lar ge legion for the department. The innkeeper is very spry and quick. Below are the server specifications. Intel Pentium 4 M 3. 0 GHz central processing unit memory 1024 mb DDR RAM 120 GB Hard drive Tape drive CD/CD-RW Drive Floppy Drive All the computers are Compaq brand.They are reliable and safe to use. Software The computers put on different software installed on their hard drives. The computers are new. They have Microsoft Office 2002 installed on their hard drive. They also have other programs like anti-virus. Microsoft Word- This is the default ledger processing masking. It is easy to use and it has many features like recording macros and inserting pictures. Microsoft Excel- This application is installed on the system but it is not used often. It may be used to do calculations for wages and salaries. I am not very sure what it is used for in this department.Microsoft Access- This application is not used. Database- Haden have there own database. It is very complicated to u se their database. It comes up as a black screen with white writing. Almost like MS-DOS on old computers. The database holds information of volume that have benefits and that commit fraud. You have to be trained to use the database because it is so complicated. This is what I think are in the databases Name, address, post code, county, age, gender, contact inside information, national insurance outcome etc. Outlook Express- Easy to use and is fast for sending and receiving information.The e-mail is not for personalised use. The companies foreman can other employees can read the personal e-mails. Information is not confidential so it is a great and fast method of transferring data. Internet adventurer is used to surf the web for web link up fraud. The internet has a special tracking device that seeks out people exploitation other peoples insurance numbers and other details to get money. Intranet- All the computers are linked to an intranet. The intranet is a small network that only the company effect can read. No one from the outside, like me, can enter the intranet.Some of the files are password defend and only those who have the password can enter. Others are common files that everyone linked to the intranet can access. All effect have their own password. They also have a card key that is used to enter the PC otherwise they do not have access. Norton brass works is an antivirus application. All the computers have this software to nurture against viruses. There is however a outrage. There is no internet firewall. Although one will be installed soon, the auspices is at risk and therefore hackers can enter easily.Evidence Eliminator is an application that is used to destroy unwanted fraud evidence from the Fraud departments computers. The evidence will no longer be available for hackers. rating Hadens use of ICT is excellent. They are faster now than before computers were introduced. The department of Fraud has found that using ICT is a must for them. Most of it is writing up databases. They have improved in using their own database that has outstanding security due to it being hard to use. There are several advantages and disadvantages.The main one is that the computers can get out of date and will require fixing all the time. Another disadvantage is in the Fraud computers the security is not that good. Hackers can attack it easily. The evidence eliminator application will have to be used several times because there is no firewall and hacker can attack any time. The Fraud department has to step up its security to insure that it is safe to transfer files through the networks. Overall, the organisation has improved in keeping things up to date. The security has to improve for the internet, other than that the company is sophisticated and puff up improved.